- Moving house at the weekend – which is very very good! Not going to have any internet for a while though. Which is very bad… #
- RT @Joffa_d Stoned Wallabies causing crop circles – – that's awesome, good find joff! #
- RT @tweetmeme 30+ Creative Typography Art http://cli.gs/MYPGN Some good designs, but so many of them are unreadable=good or bad typography? #
- @sitepointdotcom Will Twitter start charging? I'd understand if they did. Just hope they're fair about it. in reply to sitepointdotcom #
- @grahamgilbert Oh dear mate that's no good. Still easy to see how it'd get those two things confused.. (?) Can you train it? in reply to grahamgilbert #
- @grahamgilbert You're kidding me? That actually helped?! How's the 3G apart from voice recog? in reply to grahamgilbert #
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