
April 1, 2014 / / Blog
March 31, 2014 / / Ubuntu

Like CodePen? Use Ubuntu? Would you like to combine the two in a far more integrated way? Then read on!

As I have written about in an earlier post I quite like Codepen. In many ways I find it easier to code with than just Gedit. I can see the changes I make in real-time without flicking between my editor and my browser. All I felt it was missing was a bit of desktop integration.

March 22, 2014 / / Ubuntu

Support for Nvidia Optimus is coming on in leaps and bounds in Ubuntu, I especially love how it’s shaping up in the next release of Ubuntu – 14.04 Trusty Tahr.

Having used Bumblebee up until now to enable my discrete card I can’t wait to try out Prime support.

March 6, 2014 / / Code

Today I had felt like tinkering with my blog design. Normally, when writing code, I hop between Code Writer (incidentally not a bad app for Windows 8 and a much more attractive looking alternative to Notepad++) and Firefox; alt-and-tabbing often enough to give epileptics cause for concern. Today though, I wanted a sandbox to use which would allow me to code and see my changes all in one window, as I make them.

Here is a mini-roundup of the top three I found.

March 4, 2014 / / Windows

Recently I have needed to use Windows SoundRecorder to record a few snippets of sound for a project I am working on. What I didn’t realise however, after I had finished recording my samples and laboriously renaming them all, was that windows wanted to hide them from me!

Within the program itself there are no setting to change as to your files’ save location – let alone any actual indication of where they may be hidden.

So after tracking them down I thought this information might be worth sharing to anyone else who made the mistake of using this simple program instead of Audacity.

March 2, 2014 / / Design

The question above seems a popular one on google so I thought I would share my take since I use a repeating linear gradient over my background image on this very site.

The solution to this problem is a little counter intuitive which is why, I think, some people miss it – it’s all about order!

February 24, 2014 / / Design

Last week I was in Norfolk, catching up with my family. While we were down there we visited the Sea Life Centre in Great Yarmouth. I would thoroughly recommend the place – the kids loved it! Just be wary of over-excited penguins – so have a plan on how to explain their behaviour!

Just a quick update to let you know I have put up a new freebies wallpaper page. Feel free to use and share!
Freebie Wallpapers ->

February 23, 2014 / / Games
February 10, 2014 / / Design

Hayao Miyazaki has made some of my favourite anime films of all time. He is one of the greatest animators and directors in Japan.

His films are compelling, inspiring entertaining and thrilling. Proof of this is this beautiful piece of work by a fan.

November 19, 2013 / / Ubuntu

After using Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 for a few months now I’ve decided it’s the spin for me. Everything is succinct, in it’s place and accessible. Nothing surprises me, nothing gets lost and it looks good!

Only a few niggles remain and I intend to iron them out over the coming weeks. The first is only small really but has been bugging me: Firefox’s handling (or not) of apt links.