Tag: browser

September 24, 2009 / / Blog


While I’m putting together my final review of Moon OS I thought I’d talk a little about a plugin I use a lot these days. Xmarks started initially as foxmarks, a Firefox plugin for backing up your bookmarks and actually syncing them each time you add/remove links. Adding a plugin to firefox is such an easy and, importantly, quick procedure that it meant you could share your bookmarks between two places effortlessly.

That functionality continues today with Xmarks but has been improved and expanded to include other browsers.

June 5, 2009 / / Blog
May 29, 2009 / / Websites
May 22, 2009 / / Blog

Yet again I’m posting up another screenshot of my work in progress theme.

Basically, with this theme I wanted something really personal, the kind of theme you’re unlikely to find anywhere else. I also wanted to make its palette slightly ubuntuesque with oranges and browns. I think it’s coming along pretty well.

April 29, 2009 / / Blog

This site will always look better in firefox. In my humble opinion it’s the most reliable web-browser – throw nearly anything at it and it will just keep ploughing on regardless. This said, I’m not very good at just sticking to firefox, my urge to fiddle is too strong.