Tag: desktop

August 23, 2015 / / Games

If there’s one thing that annoys me on my desktop it’s icons not showing up. Sadly this seems to be one thing that plagues a lot of games on Steam. Rather than write to Steam or the Game developers themselves I thought I would fix the game icons myself. Leave the devs developing!

It’s really quite easy to do and can easily be applied to any Steam game installed on your computer and it gives you the ability to “upgrade” any icons you’re not happy with. Remember this can be applied to almost any application installed on your computer – not just Steam games.

December 13, 2009 / / Blog
September 6, 2009 / / Blog

Well, after a little shuffling and sorting I decided to install Kubuntu Karmic Koala Alpha 5 on a spare partition on one of my hard drives. It recently became spare when I erased its former occupant: Windows 7. It was just taking up space…

After a bit of a lagging installation I find myself, having just clicked the “don’t restart” yet button, wanting to show off a feature I found completely by accident. A now included Plasma Widget for Facebook pictured below and the nano blog widget.

June 23, 2009 / / Technology

500px-Fit-pc2-art-large With what seems to be a ceaseless torrent of Netbook releases and distros to match; it’s great to see a new system soon to enter the market which makes the best of the standard installation of Ubuntu. The Fit-PC2 is smaller than your average Dictionary, measuring in at only 1 1/8″ (27 mm) x 4 1/2″ (115 mm) x 4″ (101mm). Despite it’s diminutive size it manages some pretty good specs.