Tag: gnome

November 19, 2013 / / Ubuntu

After using Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 for a few months now I’ve decided it’s the spin for me. Everything is succinct, in it’s place and accessible. Nothing surprises me, nothing gets lost and it looks good!

Only a few niggles remain and I intend to iron them out over the coming weeks. The first is only small really but has been bugging me: Firefox’s handling (or not) of apt links.

April 22, 2009 / / Blog

For too long now I’ve worked on too many little projects, snippets of code and web designs to really stay sane.

A few months ago I was assaulted at work. It has been a crap time in all honesty but if I can take one positive thing from the experience it is that I need to get organized. I really do love working at Plonkers (who wouldn’t want to work at an off-license called that!?) but it’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life.