In under a week now the highly anticipated Blood Bowl Legendary edition is released – I cannot wait! Having spent the last year brutalising a variety of fantasy creatures in the most chaotic and fun version of American Football I have ever played, not only do I want more teams to choose from I want more options for causing havoc. BB LE promises all that and more and I hope to sacred Nuffle they deliver.
What’s prompted me especially to post about this is that all BB players of the current game get a 30% discount off the price of the digital edition. Nothing to be sniffed at and a pleasant bonus for all the hard work I’ve put in this year playing the game!
With eleven new teams and more work on sharpening up the old ones; a larger bank of inanities for the commentators to spout mid-match (I hope!) as well as more rules and tweaks to spice up the game I really can’t wait to hit the astrogranite. Check out the latest HD trailer to wet your appetite.
If you like the look of this check out the official site at for more information, videos, artwork, system requirements and links to the support forum.
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