Category: Design

August 27, 2017 / / Design
April 10, 2015 / / Design
March 2, 2014 / / Design

The question above seems a popular one on google so I thought I would share my take since I use a repeating linear gradient over my background image on this very site.

The solution to this problem is a little counter intuitive which is why, I think, some people miss it – it’s all about order!

February 24, 2014 / / Design

Last week I was in Norfolk, catching up with my family. While we were down there we visited the Sea Life Centre in Great Yarmouth. I would thoroughly recommend the place – the kids loved it! Just be wary of over-excited penguins – so have a plan on how to explain their behaviour!

Just a quick update to let you know I have put up a new freebies wallpaper page. Feel free to use and share!
Freebie Wallpapers ->

February 10, 2014 / / Design

Hayao Miyazaki has made some of my favourite anime films of all time. He is one of the greatest animators and directors in Japan.

His films are compelling, inspiring entertaining and thrilling. Proof of this is this beautiful piece of work by a fan.

May 19, 2011 / / Design
April 26, 2010 / / Design
Me morphing into my brother Sam.

Just a quick post to show what can be made in around 10 minutes with a nifty little java morphing application called Javamorph and of course my favourite image editor gimp.

The Javamorph project can be found at Google Code or if you’re lucky enough to use Ubuntu it’s in your repositories so you can just apt-get it. I think it’s in the Debian Squeeze repos too.

The project homepage is worth checking out for a brief overview of how the program works and a link to a very informative pdf that explains all.

My very quick and dirty example shows me turning into my youngest brother and back again. Sorry Sam.

March 18, 2010 / / Design
June 11, 2009 / / Design
June 3, 2009 / / Design

Linux Mint Button

After a little discussion and some information about how functions from mesanna I’ve quite quickly made the first demo version of a generated button. And here it is.

So far it’s really just proof of concept, and its code is a little limited but could very easily and quickly be improved, depending on what information you actually wanted to share. The reason I’ve put the date in for now is because it’s the simplest way to show the principle involved here. The date comes from the php function of the same name in this case I used: