Always a sucker for a carefully thought out, well explained article on my favourite subject – Linux – I was pleased as punch to find…
Tag: community
I’ve just found a fantastic article by Walter V. Koenning tackling the “issues” so many long-term Windows user have with Linux. Walter is utterly spot on with everything he says. I’m so tired of reading comments posted by utterly ignorant Windows users (you know, they call drug addicts users.. what’s that saying about us geeky types?) who, despite knowing nothing/very little about their OS of choice, feel free to attack Linux users with unfounded accusations and often pointlessly vulgar language.
I’ve just found a fantastic article by Walter V. Koenning tackling the “issues” so many long-term Windows user have with Linux. Walter is utterly spot on with everything he says. I’m so tired of reading comments posted by utterly ignorant Windows users (you know, they call drug addicts users.. what’s that saying about us geeky types?) who, despite knowing nothing/very little about their OS of choice, feel free to attack Linux users with unfounded accusations and often pointlessly vulgar language.
For too long now I’ve worked on too many little projects, snippets of code and web designs to really stay sane.
A few months ago I was assaulted at work. It has been a crap time in all honesty but if I can take one positive thing from the experience it is that I need to get organized. I really do love working at Plonkers (who wouldn’t want to work at an off-license called that!?) but it’s not what I want to do for the rest of my life.