Tag: twitter

September 26, 2009 / / Tweets

Name that theme tune game: have fun with the telly you enjoyed watching! http://www.televisiontunes.com/game.html # Really enjoyed The Blue Squares last night at The Brewers…

September 20, 2009 / / Tweets
September 13, 2009 / / Tweets

We need more ip addresses! Bring on ipv6, 340 trillion, trillion, trillion can’t be wrong. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8227117.stm # Speech Debelle wins Mercury prize… fair enough. Just…

September 6, 2009 / / Tweets
August 30, 2009 / / Tweets

Listening to Frank Turners’ new “Poetry of the Deed”. Been fan since M.Dead, love this album – big sounds; almost orchestral – thumbs up! #…

August 9, 2009 / / Tweets

News in: Ladybird swarms are on the move. Anecdotal evidence suggests they're attracted to BBQ's… # Really good article about coding a HTML 5 layout…

June 28, 2009 / / Tweets
June 22, 2009 / / Tweets
June 14, 2009 / / Tweets
June 7, 2009 / / Tweets

Five minutes with Bill Bailey; slight recompense for missing his tour this year http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8073976.stm # It’s been a mental 2 days.. no sleep, rats, poison.…